Where's my cell phone? Oh, that is right, there were no cell phones, just land lines and pagers. Most people had a typewriter, not a computer. So, how did we communicate? Flyers were everywhere, on your car, stuffed into your pockets, at stores.We also gained information from college radio stations, bar ads and listings in smaller weekly or monthly publications. There was even a pirate radio station for the flats at one point and a dance TV show broadcasting from Club Coconuts that aired on our CBS station. And, since the Flats was a regional phenomenon, regular TV, radio and publications tried to keep up with all changes that were happening. Home The Flats Communication Milestones Shuttles & Parking Art & Fashion Guest Performers The DJs Massive Events Halloween The Rest College radio's block format was important in getting new music out Someone found my address and sent my info into a modeling agency. I have a stalker and she knows my car outside Aquilon List of Northeast Ohio gay bars in Victory News Listing of college radio stations When Glow Kidsand, later, Club Kidsbecame a thing, peoplewould scour for outfits at second hand stores Top song listing at Nine of clubs Alternative music radio stations and stores listed here I kind of remember somebody slipping this to me WUJC college radio plays techno so did WCSB and WRUW College radio WUJC interviews shamen Return letter from U4ia after my letter of disappointment re Scott Forbush leaving for Metropolis Roxy Mags underground club rundownmid 80s